posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron +16 / -0

Language and culture are two sides of the same coin. Language is inherently human: no particular conscious effort is required to learn language; it is done automatically as a child listens to others speaking and automatically desires to communicate back.

Most pedes now understand that the use and abuse of language is part and parcel of the Cabal's Destroy Western Society agenda. However, there is another dimension as well. Language can be and is used to hypnotise, to entrance and then manipulate psychologically. This is closely associated with what we might refer to as (satanic) magic: spell-casting, manipulation of the spiritual state of the target. Establishing confusion deliberately and then leading the target in a particular direction is frequently part of that process.

In this light, it's interesting to consider two terms that have almost become ubiquitous in recent decades:

  1. Fact Check

While it has one meaning of 'verifying facts', "check" also has another meaning, namely to stop or slow the progress of something.

Thus, one one level, "fact checkers" sounds like people or organizations that verify facts, another hidden meaning exists: to stop or slow the progress of facts. We know this second meaning is valid, because in reality this is what they actually do: they slow down and inhibit the flow of factual information to people and the population. They really are "Fact checkers" (Fact Stoppers).

  1. Hate Speech

Ostensibly, and on the surface, 'hate speech' (aka 'hate' as an adjective) sounds like 'speech that is driven by or infused with hate'. That's the narrative, the story they seek to establish. However, 'hate' is also a verb. The hidden meaning here, which they want to hide, is that they actually hate this speech. Words and language now that point to a particular truth or fact are speech they hate (because they hate the truth). Thus, to them, they really "Hate (that) speech". Speech being the act of using language.

Are there other examples of this sort of 'double talk' aka spell casting out there? Can pedes think of any?