We were probably around 9 years old and my brother, the neighbor kids and I dug a huge pit in the neighbors back yard. We had the hose filling it constantly and played in that mud pit all summer. We put a couple catfish in there and made sport of catching them by hand. We’d wash off in an oil barrel full of “clean” water. Then we’d dump the oil barrel, stick a kid inside and roll them up the street, while the other kids ran alongside, chucking “itchy bombs” at the kids spinning inside. No air conditioning in 100 degree heat, no adults scheduled play dates or bought us expensive toys. At the end of the day, we were filthy and exhausted. It was an amazing time.
We were probably around 9 years old and my brother, the neighbor kids and I dug a huge pit in the neighbors back yard. We had the hose filling it constantly and played in that mud pit all summer. We put a couple catfish in there and made sport of catching them by hand. We’d wash off in an oil barrel full of “clean” water. Then we’d dump the oil barrel, stick a kid inside and roll them up the street, while the other kids ran alongside, chucking “itchy bombs” at the kids spinning inside. No air conditioning in 100 degree heat, no adults scheduled play dates or bought us expensive toys. At the end of the day, we were filthy and exhausted. It was an amazing time.