Going to church for the first time today
🏡 Local WIN 🏘️
Bit nervous, but glad I am honoring this promise I made to God when I needed his help. Dont think I would have ever done this if I never came here, so thank you guys for your consistent outpour of faith.
Read the book of John, then Matthew. Do what Jesus teaches. God loves you...prayers...
I'm actually reading the entire thing, it was a vow I made to God in jail last week (going to church was another one)
I'm about 500 pages in, right past Chronicles
When I started my family on the Scriptures they soon gave up. Later I learned that its easier to comprehend if you read the New Testament first then go back and start with Genesis to Revelations. You will find some verses in the OT become clearer and you can 'connect the dots' with an ah-ha moment. As you question a verse just jot it down, when you go through the Bible your question will be answered.
Keep in mind, too, that there will be verses that strike you in the heart. Thats the Holy Spirit telling you to pay attention to that verse.
Little late for that, one of my vows I made to God and myself (attending church also being one) was that I was going to read the entire Bible front to back. I'm already about 500 pages in lol (right after Chronicles)