Mike Stone Has Lost Faith in People July 17, 2022
"I'm doing okay, though still reeling with profound disappointment in almost everyone I know. They say crisis reveals character. Friends and family members who bragged all their life of how patriotic they are folded like cheap tents at the very beginning of the virus hoax. All of them starting wearing face masks. Almost all of them took the jab. None of them believed me when I told them the whole thing was a hoax.
They have no idea of what's going on in the world. Worse, they don't care. All they want to do is go to Disneyland or Las Vegas, watch sports ball, go out to eat, watch movies, keep up with all the celebrity gossip. I want nothing to do with any of them ever again."
"People who have spent their entire life bragging about their guns, their American values, and how no one would ever take their freedom away. Such big bad-asses, they turned out to be the first ones to cower and give in, to surrender without a single shot being fired. Aside from some brave truckers here and in Canada, people surrendered en masse like sniveling cowards."
Do you believe that crisis reveals character?
If so, how would you judge the character of your family, friends, and co-workers over the last two years?
Did they recognize the virus hoax for what it was - a hoax?
Or did they sit like drooling retards in front of the boob tube - as my family and friends did - and believe every lie they were told?
Did they spit in the eye of the airlines and all of the other hoax and jab-pushing corporations by refusing to fly, by refusing to buy their products and services, by refusing to watch their Hollywood filth?
Or did they make zero sacrifices in a time of war - as my family and friends did - and continue to patronize and financially support the very people and corporations that want to see them dead, buried, and replaced?
Did they recognize the stolen 2020 election as a sham and high treason? Or did they dutifully go along with what they were told - as my family and friends did - and accept the bogus results?
Did they refuse the jab? Or did they cave under pressure - as my family and friends did - and voluntarily allow themselves to be injected with an untested and unsafe "vaccine"?
MORE: https://henrymakow.com/2022/07/mike-stone-default-setting.html
In the very beginning of covid, it was new territory. It's harsh to judge people for their first reaction to an idea as scary as bioterrorism. It's the behavior after common sense kicks in that matters. It seems however that people's instincts have been dulled.
I was a little concerned for a couple weeks. Then I started paying attention to my counties health department notices. Every single death was an elderly person with co-morbidities. Then the CDC stopped tracking the flu. That's when I knew it was all fake.
I think that it reveals more than character - common sense and IQ for a start. Why would you trust the government pushing a (problem>reaction>) solution to a sickness with a ridiculously low fatality rate. The first thing that occurred to me was that they were selling something. Then a quick search showed Event 201. Bill Gates' involvement was another red flag. Those who still watch the news and don't ask the right questions will pay with their lives. Ah well....
I never believed the hoax or wore a mask other than airlines and drs. I actually made t-shirts about the hoax very early around the time Trump shut us down. Went to fight for our freedom on Jan 6th, but my President told me to go home. My family is def awake, but mostly because of me. Tbey still get trapped in the media's web of lies like Uvalde, but for most part awake. Most of my friends and family are from Florida so I guess I'm not a safe example of the rest of country.
It's not unexpected. People have been programmed to put importance in certain things while being kept blind to what's behind the curtain.
Human behavior has long since been figured out and it's been made easier by making the masses believe what is important in their lives. If you know what someone wants and if you know what people don't know, it is very easy to direct their thoughts and actions.
People are proud and won't want to admit they've been bamboozled or that they wasted decades of their lives living a lie. People want comfort and familiarity perhaps because they simply have no greater sense of purpose in life other than to succeed at work and earn lots of money or to simply keep their families safe and fed.
People are afraid to rock the boat and speak out loud about things that don't make sense and they just prefer to push it at the back of their minds with the justification of "It has nothing to do with me" or "I'll let the experts handle it."
People just read headlines and titles while skimming a few words then pretend they understand an entire issue. They only take in 5-10% of the information and then assume all the complexities, details and facts are already processed and vetted by someone else. They don't want to 'waste the time' figuring out if something is a lie or a partial lie.
Most important of all, it's based on the hubris of the human race in general. Most people are simply unwilling to believe that the vast majority of people are gullible. They refuse to believe that someone could spread a lie that the majority of people will believe and even if it's not the majority, the controlled media makes it seem like it's a majority.
People stopped bothering to verify and research things for themselves and come to their own conclusions if it is outside their field of expertise.
And the worst part, again, is people hate admitting they are wrong. Everyone hates admitting they are wrong, myself included, but a lot of people are unable to admit they are wrong.
Sounds like the man needs to go to a Trump rally.
Just about everyone I know who feels this way (and as I do) posts and lurks here.