As someone above said, are you just looking to get called an antisemite? Why do you so readily and easily share your hatred of an entire group of people because of a few evil elites and your interpretation of the Bible? Seems pretty convenient that you say God hates the same people you hate.
But God doesn't hate Jews. God doesn't hate anyone, but is the embodiment of love and forgiveness. And even if he did, it isn't your job to be judging and speaking evil about a whole group of humans. Figure out where that hate comes from inside of you and purge that hate if you want to truly connect to God.
Luke 6:43-45:
A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.
It was exceedingly easy to find Jewish people who have contributed to the improvement of mankind. I can give many, many more examples, because Jewish people are normal people as anyone else, they can and do contribute to science and human progress, and are deserving of respect, and should not be subjected to vitrol all because of your interpretation of the Bible.
Spreading Love and accepting all people in all levels of society is explicitly what Jesus did and was about. Antisemitic behavior and the hate driving it is antithetical to Christianity.
(1) Erwin Chargaff - Chargaff's first and best known achievement, later deemed Chargaff's Rules, was to show that in natural DNA the number of guanine units equals the number of cytosine units and the number of adenine units equals the number of thymine units. Chargaff's research laid the foundation to help the Watson and Crick laboratory team to deduce the double helical structure of DNA. The explosion of understanding and improvements in medicine from the discovery of DNA structure cannot be understated.
(2) Max Born - Max Born was a German physicist and mathematician who was instrumental in the development of quantum mechanics. He also made contributions to solid-state physics and optics. Born won the 1954 Nobel Prize in Physics for his fundamental research in quantum mechanics, especially in the statistical interpretation of the wave function. Born formulated the now-standard interpretation of the probability density function for ψ*ψ in the Schrödinger equation, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1954. He did not work on the atomic bomb, and emigrated to England during world war two.
(3) Yuval Ne'eman - One of Yuval Ne'eman's greatest achievements in physics was his 1961 discovery of the classification of hadrons through the SU(3) flavour symmetry, now named the Eightfold Way. This SU(3) symmetry laid the foundation of the quark model, proposed by Gell-Mann and George Zweig in 1964 (independently of each other). Today, the quark model has essentially been absorbed as a component of the established quantum field theory of strong and electroweak particle interactions, dubbed the Standard Model. The understanding and discovery of quarks was a major step in further understanding quantum mechanics.
Kinda interesting they mentioned this person being Jewish 🤔
As someone above said, are you just looking to get called an antisemite? Why do you so readily and easily share your hatred of an entire group of people because of a few evil elites and your interpretation of the Bible? Seems pretty convenient that you say God hates the same people you hate.
But God doesn't hate Jews. God doesn't hate anyone, but is the embodiment of love and forgiveness. And even if he did, it isn't your job to be judging and speaking evil about a whole group of humans. Figure out where that hate comes from inside of you and purge that hate if you want to truly connect to God.
Luke 6:43-45:
It was exceedingly easy to find Jewish people who have contributed to the improvement of mankind. I can give many, many more examples, because Jewish people are normal people as anyone else, they can and do contribute to science and human progress, and are deserving of respect, and should not be subjected to vitrol all because of your interpretation of the Bible.
Spreading Love and accepting all people in all levels of society is explicitly what Jesus did and was about. Antisemitic behavior and the hate driving it is antithetical to Christianity.
(1) Erwin Chargaff - Chargaff's first and best known achievement, later deemed Chargaff's Rules, was to show that in natural DNA the number of guanine units equals the number of cytosine units and the number of adenine units equals the number of thymine units. Chargaff's research laid the foundation to help the Watson and Crick laboratory team to deduce the double helical structure of DNA. The explosion of understanding and improvements in medicine from the discovery of DNA structure cannot be understated.
(2) Max Born - Max Born was a German physicist and mathematician who was instrumental in the development of quantum mechanics. He also made contributions to solid-state physics and optics. Born won the 1954 Nobel Prize in Physics for his fundamental research in quantum mechanics, especially in the statistical interpretation of the wave function. Born formulated the now-standard interpretation of the probability density function for ψ*ψ in the Schrödinger equation, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1954. He did not work on the atomic bomb, and emigrated to England during world war two.
(3) Yuval Ne'eman - One of Yuval Ne'eman's greatest achievements in physics was his 1961 discovery of the classification of hadrons through the SU(3) flavour symmetry, now named the Eightfold Way. This SU(3) symmetry laid the foundation of the quark model, proposed by Gell-Mann and George Zweig in 1964 (independently of each other). Today, the quark model has essentially been absorbed as a component of the established quantum field theory of strong and electroweak particle interactions, dubbed the Standard Model. The understanding and discovery of quarks was a major step in further understanding quantum mechanics.