My wife pointed something out to me tonight whilst we were in the garden (night time here in the UK, but very hot).
Where are all the bugs?
The living room light was left on and all the windows were open, and when we went back in there was a single moth flying round a bulb, that was it. Back in the eighties we would have been fighting off a swarm of thunderbugs, moths, flies and daddy-longlegs, but
Anyone else notice anything?
We just got a hold put on all outgoing orders because of JB. Ag department almost shit themselves when one showed up in our traps. Plenty of chemical control out there but no natural predators locally. As for bugs not being anywhere, could have to do with climate, or other limiting factors like no food source around.
Or, overuse of pesticides.
Overuse of chemical pesticides render them useless. Responsible use of pesticide/fungicide is part of what makes american ag so great.