I spent 10 years doing research and ready many books and whistleblower testimony to put the Deep State operation together in a framework. After I figured out how they worldwide financial and mind control scams worked, I had nothing left to dig except their devil worship religion and this is where stuff gets weird folks. I’ll drop it on you. You can call me a kook or whatever if you don’t believe it. I don’t care. We just need to expand the awakening to win this battle fast.
The Deep State have been in business with the devil ever since Lucifer rebelled ages ago. Today Lucifer isn’t really in the picture anymore but his remnants like Enki and Enlil are.
The Satanic cult used to span across 25 planets under Lucifer but has greatly collapsed. They have a philosophy of selfishness and enslavement of others. They originally thought God didn’t exist so they ran a free for all since “there are no consequences” but later their technology proved God is real and within all of Life so now they are sweating bullets not because God will punish them but because of the Natural Consequences hard coded into life called Karma (reap what you sow). They also often sign a pact with a demon (demons are nonphysical aliens in another 4D dimension). This blood contract says the demon must be the human’s slave for life and then the human becomes the demon’s slave in the next life and they know being the demon’s slave is utterly, hellishly terrible. For this reason they seek immortal life which they found from baby blood. By injecting baby blood, they get younger but, unless they keep injecting it regularly, they get old fast. Some celebrities look younger today than they used to because they had a refill of baby blood. Adrenochrome is another byproduct drawn from scared children that makes them feel sociopathic like the Joker and also very sharp at the same time. They can think and speak at lightning speed. The process involved in harvesting this stuff is horrific.
The devil cult has a human and nonhuman part to it. The humans are the youngest so they see us as kids. Next is the older reptilians and there are some others like Insectoids, Grays and Annunaki. These are part of the larger devil cult but they have good and bad versions too. The Reptilians are like giant bullies who are older and can do more tricks then us using their mind and futuristic technology combined. For example, they can appear Human to you but this sometimes glitches exposing them. They can enter a parallel dimension called 4D. Baphomet is in lower level 4D. Baphomet is their God. It has different names. In Greece, he was called Pan. When the Reptilians enter 4D, they become a different form of reality often seen when one takes DMT. Their form represents the trickster clown. The image basically is like of the Joker. They are tricksters. Their best tricks is to appear as saviors (wolves in sheep’s clothing). They don’t feel much empathy because they are reptiles. Mammals feel empathy but not so much reptiles however they have learned a lot from humans and developed some empathy. They have clone machines to clone celebrities. They often clone Gray Aliens who are used as their slaves. The upper echolon of this Group is the Black Nobility. European Royals are them in disguise. They can clone human skin and wear it like a suit. The difference is they are very dead and lifeless in their face and energy. Sometimes their eyes glitch. Some famous ones are Howard Stern, Bush Sr, or Queen Elizabeth. All of their eyes have glitched on camera. The reptile eye looks like a snake’s eye.
The Reptilians currency run Earth by giving the parasites near the top of the deep state knowledge to help them control great wealth and power at the terrible cost of a lifetime of misery and many lives of hell (due to Karma reap what you sow). I still can’t believe some people take the offer but they do. The process involves signing away ones Soul which basically ruins it and requires many lifetimes to restore the damage. After doing this, almost all of them have fun for a few weeks and live a life of deep regret because they see it wasn’t worth it. The Island Boys admitted this live on YouTube after becoming famous. These people often keep company in their homes because they are tormented by visions of demons in mirrors and in their dreams. The humans then give the people money, food and water in exchange for our support. It’s not that they give it. We give it to each other. They just control the production.
God is real and we are simply in a simulation pretending to be ignorant humans who run into moral dilemmas, temptations and challenges. Our goal is to keep our energy soul clean, self improve ourselves and treat others well plus we all have 1 special mission. If we accomplish this, we move on to higher places. If not, we try again in a new life. Our soul continues to grow like a plant. Also, it’s all meant to be fun even the scary moments.
The Deep State is using their final plan to have revolutions topple all Governments so they can come in pretending to be our friends and ask for World power over a World Government with very limited power. If we say no, they will ask for a small trial run that will go well but if we let them have power for the trial run, they will never let go of it even if we demand it. This is why we have to say no off the bat and run the World as a giant group of Civilians mixed with Natural Law Police which we found and control. No need for much anything else. It’s easier to do than it sounds.
Humans are evolving. It’s a Spiritual Evolution. Soon, everyone will grow beyond the ability to be manipulated. The Deep State can’t control us unless they can manipulate us. They know this is bad for them and increased the poisons in food, water and air but that only delays the evolution a bit.
Ages ago, the deep state wanted humans to be like robot slaves so they reduced our dna from 12 to 2 which greatly reduced our vision of reality. That system might break soon as there is a spiritual evolution incoming. The number 666 may represent this since it’s the identifying number of the disabled areas of the dna.
Victory for us is basically guaranteed mostly because of the incoming evolution which will fast track humanity for at least 100 years. Morals and intelligence will skyrocket. People will become more chill and easy going. Abundance will be normal and egos will deteriorate which is good. It’s like a snake shedding its skin. It will be like a Worldwide family. All the institutions will be replaced by whatever we want them to be. We will run all Politics from street repairs to traffic control. All will see all as equals based on a better understanding of how life works.
Finally the vaccines truly have terrible things inside that have dumbed down entire generations. They keep increasing them which makes future generations even worst but also those future generations are naturally better than us for many reasons involving the transformation of this whole World. One day the younger generation will be so advanced, they will teach older generations how to live better lives. Either way, many vaccines, especially that mRNA Covid shot, have terrible, mind and body destroying elements inside. Stay as far away from that as possible. No job is worth it.
Almost all of life success depends on how optimistic, loving, forgiving and united you are. Unity is power with this formula p=N(squared). P means power. N is the number of united People. The deep state pushes divide and conquer (often through pushing racism), fear and pessimism through media, and the philosophy of selfishness.
And for the ultimate secret, God’s law states that whatever we believe to be true becomes true for us. The reason people live bad lives is because they expect bad. They might be pessimists of low faith. Optimists expect better and so live better lives depending on their skill level. A good book to really understand this is called “Way Of Mastery”. (Btw, the Biblical Trinity is God. The Christ did work through Jesus. Also the God of punishment and judgment is a myth. Replace punishment with “reap what you sow” which means anything People do will one day be done to them whether good or bad).
Sometimes people call me crazy and apologize later when the truth surfaces. I don’t care. All I want is for people to wake the hell up so we can rush forward into a better world. I feel good about the future and the awakening helps us get there faster.
Thank you! Op’s rant was condescendingly gnostic as heck.
“Want to know the real truth? The really deep secrets?” is an immediate red flag.
Proverbs tells us truth is public and commonly and widely available to everyone. Truth is an all-time best selling book in hundreds of translations and versions, available for free… but nobody reads it.
Op is in for a shock when Jesus shows up in the flesh to make war and judge His enemies (unfortunately including antichrists like op who don’t believe Jesus IS Mashiach, born, lived. died, resurrected in the flesh).