The woke Luciferian clowns at the WaPo are going to educate everybody on the Founder's intentions regarding abortion in 1792. Good lord, they’re both evil and stupid...
🤡 Clown World 🌎
They discovered him a few years ago, when they went all "Jefferson raped his slave and had children with her!"
They repeated it so loudly and proudly that I accepted it as fact. When I went to Monticello, it was all but treated as an undeniable fact....except for the smallest excerpt on the smallest exhibit: "Proof of Jefferson fathering children with Sally Hemmings was based on DNA testing of living Hemmings descendants and hair taken from the brush of Jefferson's cousin
They never tested Jefferson's DNA - but concluded that he fathered her children. That wouldn't hold up in court - and it shouldn't hold up in the Court of Public Opinion.