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Just a place for general discussion. A place to unload whats on your mind and talk about anything - personal, health, help needed, achievements, daily highs and daily lows, theories, predictions and what have you.
Does not need to be Q related.
UltraQ ? Do you have a link?
According to Tsarion, the fugitive Aliens who landed on Earth were all 'bad" in the sense they wanted to farm minerals needed to escape by using the hybrids they created (Humans included). The "good Aliens" were the first hybrids they created who helped the humans (Adamites) to escape from slavery in Eden. The third hybrids - reptilians - were obviously really evil.
In this theory, it doesnt make sense for "Annunaki" to return, because most of the bad aliens perished over the 50,000 years or so, except for a few and their bloodline (current day Cabal).
Nibiru was supposedly a planet that was very reflective and looked like second sun, but was destroyed since the original fugitive Aliens made it look like they landed there, and the cops destroyed it (according to this video)
When Nibiru was destroyed, it became the current day asteroid belt. The waters on Nibiru is what caused the Deluge on earth and the current day oceans. I dont think there is any way for Nibiru to return, unless someone can put all the asteroids together.
Mauro Bigliano explains this very well and with a lot of research. Elohim is plural and refers to the aliens who came to earth to colonise it (most probably same aliens referenced by Tsarion in his video).
Yahweh was supposedly one officer of the Elohim, and the Abraham's clan made a deal to be his slaves in return for the promised land and right to rule earth.
Its very hard to make any sense of Old Testament until you realise that its "god" is actually a group of aliens. Once you do that leap, everything starts making sense.
There is a biblical aspect to Q, and my interpretation is that the same bloodline that colonised the Earth in Biblical times is the what we are fighting now, and hence defeating them once and for all would indeed be Biblical.
NCSWIC refers to the fact that White Hats have it all, and Trump used it to take out most of the heads and top end of the pyramid, and what we have left is to dismantle the financial enslavement system, and in the process wake up people to the Reality.
Thank you. I have researched all of your information before but it doesn't mean its actually reality. No offense intended. It is based on what we have been taught by various historians, researchers and thinkers. I think there is a lot we will learn that will cast doubt on anything we have been told by various writers. The latest UltraQ gives some hints about what is to be revealed.
The UltraQ, aka McAfeeAfterlife, channel replaced the old 8kun Q board. It has some of the same content and lines repeated but deals more with the spiritual aspects and the origination of humans and their gods. Many of the latest posts have showed the Pyramids and some are pictures of 2 suns, the second one believed to be Nibiru. https://t.me/McafeeAfterlife