Right? I remember that too, in the photo of what looks like the Obummers little white dog in the bed. Some funky stuff going down in that bed with hunter and potentially Malia or Shasha, or both. I think the issue was about the dog... I forget.
I'm leaning towards photoshopped: that's a JP Morgan Visa Infinite card ("must have a minimum of US$10 million in assets under management with J.P. Morgan Private Bank") which makes me think someone looked up "what is most exclusive credit card" and went from there.
EDIT And from a graphic design perspective, the kerning on 'OBAMA' is a little suspicious.
Did someone say this was photoshopped back in the day?
Can't remember if it was deboooooonked or not.
Yeah I know... It's hard for me to remember now... But I remember there being an issue
Yeah I think it's legit too
Right? I remember that too, in the photo of what looks like the Obummers little white dog in the bed. Some funky stuff going down in that bed with hunter and potentially Malia or Shasha, or both. I think the issue was about the dog... I forget.
I'm leaning towards photoshopped: that's a JP Morgan Visa Infinite card ("must have a minimum of US$10 million in assets under management with J.P. Morgan Private Bank") which makes me think someone looked up "what is most exclusive credit card" and went from there.
EDIT And from a graphic design perspective, the kerning on 'OBAMA' is a little suspicious.
The "MA" look to be too close in relation to the remaning spacing in "LIA". The same with the "OB". It just looks off.
Did you just invoke kerning...in the raised type on a credit card? :)