If you've noticed, people pile on when you mention either Tartaria or mudflood - and I can't say I blame them. The result is often cognitive dissonance and they never fairly look at the subject matter again, which is a shame.
I fully agree again, here. The mudflood business I don't really think happened to any great degree, so it's a poor choice to hold up as "evidence" of timeline funny business. Regardless, if people can believe that WWII didn't happen like the history books wrote about (as Q has stated)....why can't other things also have been altered to a huge degree? We need to start really thinking outside the box - we literally live in the Matrix and nearly every damn thing is fake and Cabal created.
The best proof I like is how the coinage dates are different representing the number "1" as either an "i" or a "j". Or why we can't even replicate "ancient" structures like the pyramids or works of art like the Sistine Chapel....we can just create huge towers of concrete, glass, and steel. Ugly compared to what humans had available to them 500+ yrs ago.
I fully agree again, here. The mudflood business I don't really think happened to any great degree, so it's a poor choice to hold up as "evidence" of timeline funny business. Regardless, if people can believe that WWII didn't happen like the history books wrote about (as Q has stated)....why can't other things also have been altered to a huge degree? We need to start really thinking outside the box - we literally live in the Matrix and nearly every damn thing is fake and Cabal created.
The best proof I like is how the coinage dates are different representing the number "1" as either an "i" or a "j". Or why we can't even replicate "ancient" structures like the pyramids or works of art like the Sistine Chapel....we can just create huge towers of concrete, glass, and steel. Ugly compared to what humans had available to them 500+ yrs ago.