With all due respect - no. You have a choice all the way down, all the way along the line. To claim now - "Bro, but bro, its so hard when they make it soo easy"..... is a cop out.
I am sure it varies by location, but you can remove your pension to a private, under your direction, account. If it can't - why are you working there? To each their own, but working somewhere where they will take your money and not give you access to it - means it isn't your money. There is no argument in that is there? You're doing it because it is easier, there is more benefit for you, etc, etc, etc, and, and, and... but
Throughout history, almost without exception, when we are faced with more than 1 option it is between one that we know deep down is right, and one that is expedient/sweet/easy/(whatever pull)..... In exactly 0 cases, is the easiest choice the right one.
We as a society(this is much larger than just this) have allowed ourselves to consistently pick the easy, pick the simple, pick the more stuff, more items, more, more, more, more........ and all of it was a con. As the old saying goes - We traded our gold for their trinkets, our wealth for their paper, and our children's freedom for illusions of safety for us.
Until we all see our role in this there is nothing that can be done.
You and only you are responsible for your actions. To claim that no one wants to support something, while in the very next sentence state that you do so, :
"I highly doubt anyone here wants to support companies that do evil. /// Every day we invest in companies that don’t have our best interests at heart
If that is the case - who forced you to invest there? Where was the gun to your head? There wasn't one. You do what you do, because you wanted to do it.
The rest is just excuses.
Safe to assume, then, that you fully investigated all dealings related to the coffee or tea brand you drank this morning, along with any milk or sugar brands you may have used?
What about the toothpaste, soap, shampoo, deodorant, towel brands while you were getting ready this morning? Let’s not forget the water and power company, along with the clothing you’re wearing. Can you say for certain none are associated with interests that are actively working towards our demise? You’re responsible for your actions.
Who forced you to use them? Was there a gun to your head? If you’re not completely off the grid and pure in your choices, why are you taking the expedient/sweet/easy/whatever way out?
And is it also safe to assume that you opt out of paying taxes, because taxes are theft, right? I mean, you did say this:
To each their own, but working somewhere where they will take your money and not give you access to it - means it isn't your money.
Am I engaging in hyperbole? Yes. But I went there because you missed my point.
It’s impossible to escape the con. We’re surrounded by it every day. And there’s no reason to shame people for investing their hard-earned money because they believed it would bring financial security or freedom.
It is possible to escape the con... YOU STOP PLAYING THE GAME !!!!!
But if you can't and won't - it is because of stuff. Which is my point.
You could stop it - You chose not to stop it(because you continue on playing the game). Don't blame anyone else - it is You. Until we all see that - there will always an excuse, there will always a reason, and it will always not matter.
So with that in mind - YES, yes I do pay attention to whom I buy coffee from. Whom I pay for meat and groceries. That is the moral and ethical obligation I have to me, and mine.
Finally - no one is shaming anyone. Really and truly. You are you, and I am sure you are an awesome person with awesome ideas and shit.. We just disagree here.
The choice is yours. Just don't willingly go swimming and then complain you are wet.
With all due respect - no. You have a choice all the way down, all the way along the line. To claim now - "Bro, but bro, its so hard when they make it soo easy"..... is a cop out.
I am sure it varies by location, but you can remove your pension to a private, under your direction, account. If it can't - why are you working there? To each their own, but working somewhere where they will take your money and not give you access to it - means it isn't your money. There is no argument in that is there? You're doing it because it is easier, there is more benefit for you, etc, etc, etc, and, and, and... but
Throughout history, almost without exception, when we are faced with more than 1 option it is between one that we know deep down is right, and one that is expedient/sweet/easy/(whatever pull)..... In exactly 0 cases, is the easiest choice the right one.
We as a society(this is much larger than just this) have allowed ourselves to consistently pick the easy, pick the simple, pick the more stuff, more items, more, more, more, more........ and all of it was a con. As the old saying goes - We traded our gold for their trinkets, our wealth for their paper, and our children's freedom for illusions of safety for us.
Until we all see our role in this there is nothing that can be done.
You and only you are responsible for your actions. To claim that no one wants to support something, while in the very next sentence state that you do so, :
If that is the case - who forced you to invest there? Where was the gun to your head? There wasn't one. You do what you do, because you wanted to do it. The rest is just excuses.
I agree with you. I saw that shit was going down, and have money in multiple places. The eggs not in one basket thing.
Safe to assume, then, that you fully investigated all dealings related to the coffee or tea brand you drank this morning, along with any milk or sugar brands you may have used?
What about the toothpaste, soap, shampoo, deodorant, towel brands while you were getting ready this morning? Let’s not forget the water and power company, along with the clothing you’re wearing. Can you say for certain none are associated with interests that are actively working towards our demise? You’re responsible for your actions.
Who forced you to use them? Was there a gun to your head? If you’re not completely off the grid and pure in your choices, why are you taking the expedient/sweet/easy/whatever way out?
And is it also safe to assume that you opt out of paying taxes, because taxes are theft, right? I mean, you did say this:
Am I engaging in hyperbole? Yes. But I went there because you missed my point.
It’s impossible to escape the con. We’re surrounded by it every day. And there’s no reason to shame people for investing their hard-earned money because they believed it would bring financial security or freedom.
It is possible to escape the con... YOU STOP PLAYING THE GAME !!!!!
But if you can't and won't - it is because of stuff. Which is my point.
You could stop it - You chose not to stop it(because you continue on playing the game). Don't blame anyone else - it is You. Until we all see that - there will always an excuse, there will always a reason, and it will always not matter.
So with that in mind - YES, yes I do pay attention to whom I buy coffee from. Whom I pay for meat and groceries. That is the moral and ethical obligation I have to me, and mine.
Finally - no one is shaming anyone. Really and truly. You are you, and I am sure you are an awesome person with awesome ideas and shit.. We just disagree here.
The choice is yours. Just don't willingly go swimming and then complain you are wet.
Yes, we are at an impasse. But I’m glad we’re able to respectfully agree to disagree
Peace ✌️
Right back at ya Big man. Be well, enjoy your day !!