It's not that simple. Not even close. No I am not endorsing the other bagillion made up genders, however this close mindedness ignores reality: for one, hermaphrodites exist. They are an observed "anomaly" in biology. Traditionally this fact goes ignored by Christian Fundamentalist to preserve their heavily derived and mostly made up worldview. Gender dysphoria and homosexuality are not mere choices as we have also been taught, rather those people so believe they were born the way they were. Could it be stuff in the water supply and food that has caused this? Absolutely. However, mistreating them and belittling them is flat out fuckin wrong. Even if we do get our food and water supply cleansed, generations of these people will be around. They need love and caring not scorn and hatred. Jesus even made perfectly clear "Love your enemies" and no, don't respond with "tHaT iSn'T wHaT hE mEaNt" or any other made up, bullshit, logical leap to excuse your shitty behavior towards these people. And yes, I am aware that these people can be shitty too, again, I refer you to Jesus, "Turn the other cheek."
We aren't going to succeed by "going back" to a system that caused all these problems in the first fuckin place. I know many of you think you are correct and scored the correct religion, but that is an absurd mindset. 8 billion people, 6,000 known religions and you scored the correct one? Absurd.
We are not now nor will we ever be a theocracy. The Founding Fathers gave us the Constitution to live our lives how WE choose for ourselves. Christian Fundamentalism is just another tyranny like all the other made-up man made religions. It is not the answer. Unconditional love for those you oppose is and always will be the answer. Disagree, fine. You are free to live your life as you choose. But so too are our fellow Americans. It is not your place to tell people how to be. Attempting to do so makes you a faggot.
Exactly. Him. Not you. Not me. Not any anon or anyone. It's is His call, not any of ours and His Word is NOT a platform to damn others to hell. There WILL be judgement for such, "Do not judge least ye be judged" so again, that's between Him and each of us individually in the end.
Okay, Boomer.
It's not that simple. Not even close. No I am not endorsing the other bagillion made up genders, however this close mindedness ignores reality: for one, hermaphrodites exist. They are an observed "anomaly" in biology. Traditionally this fact goes ignored by Christian Fundamentalist to preserve their heavily derived and mostly made up worldview. Gender dysphoria and homosexuality are not mere choices as we have also been taught, rather those people so believe they were born the way they were. Could it be stuff in the water supply and food that has caused this? Absolutely. However, mistreating them and belittling them is flat out fuckin wrong. Even if we do get our food and water supply cleansed, generations of these people will be around. They need love and caring not scorn and hatred. Jesus even made perfectly clear "Love your enemies" and no, don't respond with "tHaT iSn'T wHaT hE mEaNt" or any other made up, bullshit, logical leap to excuse your shitty behavior towards these people. And yes, I am aware that these people can be shitty too, again, I refer you to Jesus, "Turn the other cheek."
We aren't going to succeed by "going back" to a system that caused all these problems in the first fuckin place. I know many of you think you are correct and scored the correct religion, but that is an absurd mindset. 8 billion people, 6,000 known religions and you scored the correct one? Absurd.
We are not now nor will we ever be a theocracy. The Founding Fathers gave us the Constitution to live our lives how WE choose for ourselves. Christian Fundamentalism is just another tyranny like all the other made-up man made religions. It is not the answer. Unconditional love for those you oppose is and always will be the answer. Disagree, fine. You are free to live your life as you choose. But so too are our fellow Americans. It is not your place to tell people how to be. Attempting to do so makes you a faggot.
Exactly. Him. Not you. Not me. Not any anon or anyone. It's is His call, not any of ours and His Word is NOT a platform to damn others to hell. There WILL be judgement for such, "Do not judge least ye be judged" so again, that's between Him and each of us individually in the end.