posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude +40 / -0

I think you know the answer...


That word is very shortly gonna be the Left's new go-to excuse for egregious power grabs.

"We can do this because the situation is unprecedented! Our Democracy can't be held back by an outdated concept such as 'Justice' and 'Virtue.' The Fate of Humanity is at stake!"

The Delay Tactics are gonna be off the chain. I'm seeing them now, but can scarcely find the energy to point them out anymore. There are too many. It's all too hard for me to keep up with the encoded news stories, let alone transcribe them.

I'm tired and exhausted to the point of breaking.

I did my best to educate you guys on Comms. On the Symbol Language. The Acroamatic Cipher. -- The "Language of the Gods"

Those that chose to know will have some idea what's going on. I can't claim I do, fully, but like a 1st year Spanish student I'm picking up some of it and I'm in awe at the breadth of the discussion going on.

The first step is to accept that there is a real-life Matrix Scroll. Just knowing it exists is a feat unto itself. Learning to read the MAP therein is something I suspect only a scant few can do with any reliability.


If you start to get overwhelmed by all the insanity soon to come; go outside, pull some weeds, watch the clouds drift by, and ponder on just what it is that keeps little bugs scooting along when the World seems so dark and scary.

Dividing us from Nature has been their greatest weapon against us.

God made us his Garden Tenders. When's the last time you visited The Garden?