Then provide more evidence for the existence of Nephilim than we have for the existence of Sasquatch (unless you are willing to say they are the same). The difference between reality and fantasy does not depend on religion. (What books would be different? As far as I know, the Nephilim are only mentioned in the Old Testament in passing.)
I have to provide you with scholarly sources because I made a comment about height being related to the existence of giants in our ancient past. Wow, what a world we live in. I took a shit earlier, since I have made that comment should I provide you with a photo of said feces?
What books would be different? Than what? What’s your religion? I assume Christianity since you referenced the Old Testament. How about the apocrypha, how about the unnamed books setting in the bottom of the Vatican. How about the stories of US forces having battles with giants in Afghanistan? How about the existence of many individuals throughout history over 7’. My grandfather was a cunt hair from 7’ freakishly large. The males in my family dwarf people in my community. Maybe you should look into Gnosticism, check out the book of Satan while you’re at it. Hell check out the book of Hindu, the Torah also. If you think giants are long gone, you are sadly mistaken. And if you’re too fucking dumb to understand how genetics work and their transference and dormancy across multiple generations then it’s your own fault for such close mindedness.
Idk if you’ve ever watched the borrowers, or gulligers travels, but if you think you’re the normal sized person in the story you are sadly mistaken. You are a hijacker of a world that was not yours to take. Nothing more than an individual who has filled a gap here.
You don't provide ANY sources or evidence, so don't moan about a non-existent requirement for "scholarly" sources.
Height is often related to adequate nourishment in a person's time of growth. At least that is how they explained the greater adult height of Japanese who grew up after World War II when better nutrition was available. Some ethnic groups are simply taller than others (and others are shorter), as I mentioned. No need to invoke Biblical giants.
So, what's your "book"? I'm not interested in "whattabout" rabbit chases. You brought it up; you take the return service. Maybe you should carry your side of the argument and not spit out "maybe-you-shoulds" as reading assignments. Basketball is replete with guys at 7 feet in height. That's the human race for you. (Hottentots are very short. Do we claim the Biblical existence of dwarves?)
You mumble about genetics as though it were a magic word that will get you out of a troubling spot and then refer to works of fiction. Fiction? I thought we were talking about reality, here. And then you blast at me. Net result, you are an empty shirt. It's embarrassing how you collapse under a challenge.
A challenge? You take this entirely too seriously. I don’t know if you are aware or not but people are allowed to have fun in life. Everything I write here could be as fluid as spaghetti bologna. You act as if my entire image as a man rests upon my ability to appease you with anything I say or have an opinion about. This is the internet you realize that right? Maybe you’ve been indoctrinated into an AI system for too long.
Your book is different then my book. You need to accept that not everyone has the same religion as you
Then provide more evidence for the existence of Nephilim than we have for the existence of Sasquatch (unless you are willing to say they are the same). The difference between reality and fantasy does not depend on religion. (What books would be different? As far as I know, the Nephilim are only mentioned in the Old Testament in passing.)
I have to provide you with scholarly sources because I made a comment about height being related to the existence of giants in our ancient past. Wow, what a world we live in. I took a shit earlier, since I have made that comment should I provide you with a photo of said feces?
What books would be different? Than what? What’s your religion? I assume Christianity since you referenced the Old Testament. How about the apocrypha, how about the unnamed books setting in the bottom of the Vatican. How about the stories of US forces having battles with giants in Afghanistan? How about the existence of many individuals throughout history over 7’. My grandfather was a cunt hair from 7’ freakishly large. The males in my family dwarf people in my community. Maybe you should look into Gnosticism, check out the book of Satan while you’re at it. Hell check out the book of Hindu, the Torah also. If you think giants are long gone, you are sadly mistaken. And if you’re too fucking dumb to understand how genetics work and their transference and dormancy across multiple generations then it’s your own fault for such close mindedness.
Idk if you’ve ever watched the borrowers, or gulligers travels, but if you think you’re the normal sized person in the story you are sadly mistaken. You are a hijacker of a world that was not yours to take. Nothing more than an individual who has filled a gap here.
You don't provide ANY sources or evidence, so don't moan about a non-existent requirement for "scholarly" sources.
Height is often related to adequate nourishment in a person's time of growth. At least that is how they explained the greater adult height of Japanese who grew up after World War II when better nutrition was available. Some ethnic groups are simply taller than others (and others are shorter), as I mentioned. No need to invoke Biblical giants.
So, what's your "book"? I'm not interested in "whattabout" rabbit chases. You brought it up; you take the return service. Maybe you should carry your side of the argument and not spit out "maybe-you-shoulds" as reading assignments. Basketball is replete with guys at 7 feet in height. That's the human race for you. (Hottentots are very short. Do we claim the Biblical existence of dwarves?)
You mumble about genetics as though it were a magic word that will get you out of a troubling spot and then refer to works of fiction. Fiction? I thought we were talking about reality, here. And then you blast at me. Net result, you are an empty shirt. It's embarrassing how you collapse under a challenge.
A challenge? You take this entirely too seriously. I don’t know if you are aware or not but people are allowed to have fun in life. Everything I write here could be as fluid as spaghetti bologna. You act as if my entire image as a man rests upon my ability to appease you with anything I say or have an opinion about. This is the internet you realize that right? Maybe you’ve been indoctrinated into an AI system for too long.