Theory On Why Markers Matters.
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Same here.
Here's how I figured it out.
SuperSempra posted this decode:
Note the Rams football player in the upper left hand corner wearing a #9 Jersey
At first, SS thought RAMS = Sheep, but then realized that RAMS is an anagram of MARS. This got me to thinking. Mars is the god of War.
RAMS = MARS = god of WAR = Marker [9] = war in Ukraine = war in Taiwan = war in (fill in the blank)
To prove my theory, I thought about the correspondences between planets/astrology/alchemy and found this website:
Once I saw Mars in the list, I knew I'd cracked the code. Look at the first line in the chart.
Mars = 9 = Rules over Aries = Element Fire = Day of Week Tuesday = Symbol Ram
Aries the Ram -> RAMS Football -> Mars -> god of War -> Tuesday
In French, "Tuesday" is "Mardi," derived from the Latin word, "Marte," meaning "Mars" (French is a Romance language..."Rome-ance," hence a language based in Latin.)
Everything about Mars on the chart lined up with WAR.