posted ago by cathole953 ago by cathole953 +21 / -0

We all know Gold, Silver, etc. are being manipulated, big time. I remember reading somewhere that Silver is the most shorted asset in the world and there's something like, several Quintillion ounces of silver being shorted at any given time in the world. Which is several thousand times more than the amount of Silver in existence.

So what's the general consensus on the ACTUAL price of Gold, Silver, etc. without all the price manipulation, and cabal screwery. I've seen numbers thrown out that range from 20K Gold and 2K silver, all the way up to Gold being in the 10s of Millions and Silver in the 1-5 Million range.

This is honestly more speculation than anything, but I figure it's a good topic to broach given the financial collapse is obviously on the horizon and we all want to know just how much we're going to be left holding when the dust clears.