My training partner and I are gonna recreate this scenario tomorrow. Will place a human sized Thompson Target which has kill zones, at 40. We will add into the scenario othe standing targets tgat will depict a crowded mall that we have to move around to close the gap on the shooter. 10 round magazine only with no reloads. Using 3 different pistols...glock 19, cz75 compact, and sig p365sas
I'm now getting some info from my LE buddy's that the hero...Eli....did not actually move towards the shooter...he actually stood and fired from 40+ yards...when the cops arrived on scene, the perp was not even worth trying to revive....he had been hit 8 times, and one round went through his face. I guess we will see how we do, but to add a level of stress to the session, we will do some kettle bell runs in 90 deg heat first.
My training partner and I are gonna recreate this scenario tomorrow. Will place a human sized Thompson Target which has kill zones, at 40. We will add into the scenario othe standing targets tgat will depict a crowded mall that we have to move around to close the gap on the shooter. 10 round magazine only with no reloads. Using 3 different pistols...glock 19, cz75 compact, and sig p365sas
Make video pls
I'm now getting some info from my LE buddy's that the hero...Eli....did not actually move towards the shooter...he actually stood and fired from 40+ yards...when the cops arrived on scene, the perp was not even worth trying to revive....he had been hit 8 times, and one round went through his face. I guess we will see how we do, but to add a level of stress to the session, we will do some kettle bell runs in 90 deg heat first.
Cool, make a post about your observations and opinion. I would love to read that.