What people need to understand about the Holodomor is that great starvation of millions of people was intentional. It was planned and executed by the same cabal we are fighting against today. They have been on a conquest to own the world and everything in it since the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. You should also come to terms with the fact that they do not intend to share it with anyone outside their group. In fact they intend to be the only survivors.
Thanks for speaking up. This is why those that work for them are trying so hard to steal our guns. Communist are scared of armed populations. They never start shooting them in the head until after they take their weapons. Just ask Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc.
Neil mentioned the Holodomor.
What people need to understand about the Holodomor is that great starvation of millions of people was intentional. It was planned and executed by the same cabal we are fighting against today. They have been on a conquest to own the world and everything in it since the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. You should also come to terms with the fact that they do not intend to share it with anyone outside their group. In fact they intend to be the only survivors.
Thanks for speaking up. This is why those that work for them are trying so hard to steal our guns. Communist are scared of armed populations. They never start shooting them in the head until after they take their weapons. Just ask Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc.