Yep. While the movie is likely about the good guys stopping the new world order their real goal is very apparent. More normies being able to say "this is just fiction guys" or "that's the plot of Captain America you moron!" while also blocking out any real information.
Would be inclined to believe you, IF the Comms contained within all major films weren't incredibly positive 2019+.
I've not watched a Marvel movie in years, but it is my understanding that Black Widow and Winter Soldier symbolize the MKUltra system getting dismantled by the Patriots. "Wandavision" symbolizes The Wanda Group.
Spiderman: No Way Home represents villains getting another chance (aka a chance to Flip). Which is a similar premise to Suicide Squad, a film which keeps getting re-made. I believe the whole concept of "multi-verse" are themes used for this Comms messaging.
Disney Flipped in 2019 with the release of Disney+ (harkening back to Q+), and Bob Iger stepping down. What was the biggest media property that year? That also involved themes of baddies Flipping on each other and helping an MK victim? The Mandalorian.
Latest Matrix movie, who is the Big Bad? A psychiatrist. A profession most closely associated with Clowns due to the MKUltra system.
So, Clowns in Media are nothing if not public relations savvy. Allow them that much credit. They control the airwaves, they know how to propagandize and influence normies writ large.
The most notable thing to come out of the Disney gay/trans narrative earlier this year was how in-your-face it was, and the backlash. Yes, the backlash AGAINST Disney was itself publicized. In MSM articles. Were Clowns in control of the narrative, they would have contained it better. Damage control 101, right? Instead, Disney normies found themselves for the first time agreeing with Gov DeSantis.
It's hard to imagine a Flipped "leftist" org shooting itself in the foot as means to wake normies up. But the concept, of purposefully creating a failure, isn't new in Comms. Avatar the Last Airbender, a purposefully bad film. One Piece, a purposefully bad English dub. Sonic's horrific CGI trailer in 2019, purposefully bad. All for Comms purposes.
To think that the leadership of a sinking ship wouldn't relent and obey Patriot commands to escape jail time is to ascribe too much loyalty to Clowns. Clowns have only ever been kept in line by threats of other Clowns (blackmail). Cut the strings, as the Patriots have, and you have more Flips than we could hope to keep track of.
that's to dilute the search results for "new world order"
Yep. While the movie is likely about the good guys stopping the new world order their real goal is very apparent. More normies being able to say "this is just fiction guys" or "that's the plot of Captain America you moron!" while also blocking out any real information.
Would be inclined to believe you, IF the Comms contained within all major films weren't incredibly positive 2019+.
I've not watched a Marvel movie in years, but it is my understanding that Black Widow and Winter Soldier symbolize the MKUltra system getting dismantled by the Patriots. "Wandavision" symbolizes The Wanda Group.
Spiderman: No Way Home represents villains getting another chance (aka a chance to Flip). Which is a similar premise to Suicide Squad, a film which keeps getting re-made. I believe the whole concept of "multi-verse" are themes used for this Comms messaging.
Disney Flipped in 2019 with the release of Disney+ (harkening back to Q+), and Bob Iger stepping down. What was the biggest media property that year? That also involved themes of baddies Flipping on each other and helping an MK victim? The Mandalorian.
Latest Matrix movie, who is the Big Bad? A psychiatrist. A profession most closely associated with Clowns due to the MKUltra system.
Disney didn’t flip when they are pressing for gay and trans messaging for kids.
So, Clowns in Media are nothing if not public relations savvy. Allow them that much credit. They control the airwaves, they know how to propagandize and influence normies writ large.
The most notable thing to come out of the Disney gay/trans narrative earlier this year was how in-your-face it was, and the backlash. Yes, the backlash AGAINST Disney was itself publicized. In MSM articles. Were Clowns in control of the narrative, they would have contained it better. Damage control 101, right? Instead, Disney normies found themselves for the first time agreeing with Gov DeSantis.
It's hard to imagine a Flipped "leftist" org shooting itself in the foot as means to wake normies up. But the concept, of purposefully creating a failure, isn't new in Comms. Avatar the Last Airbender, a purposefully bad film. One Piece, a purposefully bad English dub. Sonic's horrific CGI trailer in 2019, purposefully bad. All for Comms purposes.
To think that the leadership of a sinking ship wouldn't relent and obey Patriot commands to escape jail time is to ascribe too much loyalty to Clowns. Clowns have only ever been kept in line by threats of other Clowns (blackmail). Cut the strings, as the Patriots have, and you have more Flips than we could hope to keep track of.