When adults started dropping dead from vaccines, the satanic establishment tried to LIE and call it "SADS" (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome)
But nobody on this forum believed that narrative for even a moment.
But it did wake everyone up to the fact that "SIDS" (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) was invented for the sole purpose of covering up vaccine deaths.
So not only did the get caught with their NEW lie, but in the process, they exposed their OLD lie too!
And now we have them blaming new health problems on "climate change",
Thus exposing the fact that they will LIE about the problems that vaccines will cause,
AND the fact that they will attribute problems to "CLIMATE CHANGE", that have nothing to do with "climate change"
So not only did they get caught trying to deflect vaccine problems,
They got caught trying to hype the dangers of "climate change" again.
In the comments below, please share more examples, of their overly-complicated LIES accidentally exposing the TRUTH.
Partly reminds me of the movie "the happening" where everyone is just dropping dead (edit: they were commiting suicide), at the end the media is blaming mother nature.
Just insert cutscenes where they forced people to get vaccinated with the media pushing it like they were