My wife and I needed to order a headstone for her father that passed in February. The guy I talked with at the local monument dealer was literally out of breath. He said business is 600% greater than last year and that his best guess for a completed headstone is a year from now if paid in in full when order is placed. Lots of people are dying now. Much younger and unexpectedly. Hmm, what do you think is causing it I asked? Covid of course, was his reply. The jab never crossed his mind at all. How could it? That's safe and effective. Without it things would be much worse. No point in arguing with him. Lots of people just like him.
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No, Grandpa was 93 so at least he had a long life. It's when people under 60 are dying from the vax that's the real concern.
Glad to know he had a full life and died wise.
I'm with you, and those responsible need to pay. It's murder, plain and simple premeditated murder.
Tks 4 sharing.
I wish I could up-vote this more BUT you have captured what has been happening...ppl need to wake up --- quickly because the ending is sure to be a doozy!!!!
NOTE: Seeing a new doc tomorrow...The docs office has done a pre-screening and guess what..."Would you be interested in taking the vaccine shots and boosters?" MY REPLY---> NO, BUT HELL NO!!! Some just can't pull their head out of the donkey's a$$ to even see the light!!! Rant OFF!!!!
I'm humbled by your words.
Rant on My friend, Rant on.
I believe no one should die before their time because of evil actions whether they're 6 months or 100 years old.