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So what. The sheep will be sheep no matter who the master is.
In a month the sheep will be over it and compliant with their new masters.
The rest of us have to learn to live free, if you are not practicing freedom today then likely you don't know how to be free. Our job is to learn that and live it.
How? First, involve government of all levels in very little in your life.
If the Q team had the same way of thinking about this - "let sheep be sheep" - they could have arrested everyone publicly in 2017, and lose half the country. The whole point was to make everyone wake up.
A lot of us here have been sleepers/normies/lefties at one point in our lives and we woke up at specific times. There is nothing subhuman about those who are still sleeping, they are our brothers and sisters. When the heat is turned up really high, everyone will wake up, and they will be just like us - not going back to sleep.