Okay—the bad guys inflicted Covid-19 on the world, then the good guys countered by unleashing the airborne vaccine "Omicron" on us, correct? Do you think it stopped there? Time for a VIBE CHECK: Fellow amphibians, how are you *really* feeling? Any new, strange, unusual 'bugs' going around?

I have always experienced respiratory issues. During this time the only thing i experience was a very light flu just before Corona was revealed.
It felt no different than a slight flu and I healed in about 10 days. Worked and worked out through with slighy diminished energy. Still o covid molecule isolated so I believe thay was pure psyops to get us to the jab. I do t believe in any of the stuff they oush now Nd I'm healthy as a horse thankfully.
I fully caution all about how you handle this kind of research. Do not let it cause fear or will manifest the dis-ease of mind during any small bodily hiccup.
I have said from the beginning of this and have not changed my mind that FEAR is the disease.
The rest is what they and we feed our minds.
So I don't pursue the dis ease stuff because I control my mind by choosing to believe God's Word on health.
No weapon formed against the shall prosper. Not a physical or mental weapon. This one is primarily caused by the words people believe. Psyops folks. You will see.
The great hoax.
100% of all illnesses caused by blood being too acidic. Immune system cannot function properly when blood is too acidic, and it makes one vulnerable to “bugs”. Sometimes something as simple as filtering drinking water (remove toxins and flouride) and then alkalizing it (raise Ph) with mineral packs can prevent illness.