We have been fed a lie for hundreds of years. The founding fathers did not build this government nor the constitution on Christianity. They were mostly jesuits. There was a plan the papacy had to regain power and dominance over the world after the reformation. When the UK backed the Protestants the papacy found they had a problem. Jesuits were kicked out of 59 country’s. They were responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent lives. So how could they revive the Roman Empire, which was prophecies about in the Bible? A new world. Between 1500 and 1611 there was a migration to the New World. Now we just need to figure a way to rule, reign, and control the new world. We will call it a New World Order. The Bible speaks of a final kingdom that would rise up quick and rule the world. It would be a revived Roman Empire. So after the reformation they started assembling an army. One that would be led by jesuits and would challenge the authority and go on to claim independence free of the Kings rule. A new nation formed on new ideals. They drafted a constitution but it’s wasn’t written for the reasons we think. They had to make it peaceful for the slow takeover of the world in order to creat a global system just like the Roman impre. This is why we are seeing what we are today. This was planned out hundreds of years in advance and handed down through families that were closely related and involved as jesuits. Freemasons are jesuits wether they know it or not. The constitution was written to give Rome the freedoms to revive their empire. It was carefully written to give Protestants a false sense of security. To think they are free to worship and protected from the persecution of the Roman Empire. It was all to create a new world order. They are in the final stages of completing it. This is the antichrist beast system spoken about in scripture.
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Bible says we will be persecuted. The anti christ will make war and overcome us. Just what scripture says.
The Bible does not say that the anti christ will overcome us.
Yes it does. He will make war with the saints and overcome them. Rev 13:7
This could easily be taken to mean he will make war with tradition and our understanding of what a good and holy life looks like, which has happened.
"Oh, yes, we are going to destroy Babylon in one divine hour, but first every last vestige of Babylon must be destroyed in us."
"While we have learned, yea, become surrendered and submissive to HIM, one with His will, this is an active state of being, not a passive one. Passivity is the law whereby evil-forces work. You have to give your self to them — the mind goes blank, the faculties dormant, the will ‘let go,’ and even the body relaxed and passive, then the familiar spirits do their thing. This is likewise the bestial system’s mode of operation! The usurped powers say in effect, ‘We will think for you, will for you, create the right emotional responses in you, etc.’ They would control your life in all its action and thinking, and all of their brain-washing operation is towards this end. The news is controlled so that your thoughts are channeled as they want them to be. The most insidious devices ever used to destroy the mind of man are now being used in increasing numbers, called subliminal persuasion. The innocent looking sales ads, the rock music and the movies, etc., all designed to cause men to rebel against God, parents, home, authority, decency. It works below the threshold of consciousness, to brain-wash the subconscious mind, and thus motivates the actions accordingly. And in this way the beast makes war even with the saints! BUT GOD’S LAW IS THAT OF ACTIVE CO-OPERATION. He does not always work instead of us, though He certainly can, for He is sovereign, but He would work WITH, IN, AND THROUGH YOUR ACTIVE OBEDIENCE. God’s elect are not automatons — behaving mechanically without active intelligence, but they have truly ‘put on the mind of Christ,’ to function with His mind, one in His will, one with His purpose. And thus they overcome the beast!"
Good point, and you're reading it wrong, the devil does have and always has had power to overcome us, in fact we where all overcome at one time, enter Jesus! Greater is He that is in you than what is in the world. The Revelation of Jesus Christ is all about Jesus conquering the Babylon, antichrist, man of sin in you, the struggling Christian.
Am not reading it wrong. In context. I have studied this more than anything else. Most churches that have so called doctors of theology leading the sheep are preaching and teaching lies. Because they listen to the ideals and philosophy of men instead of rightly dividing the word of Truth! Rev13:7 says that the antichrist will make war with the saints and overcome them. This is the great tribulation or as translated the great persecution. This is when John saw under the alter the souls who had been slain. The antichrist will establish a new world order or one world government. The antichrist was given his power by the dragon or Satan. There will be one centralized ecomenical religion. He will cause all to get a mark. After the antichrist causes the daily sacrifice to cease he will declare war on all that oppose him. These would be the saints of God. The antichrist will claim he is the Christ. After he has overcome the saints and beheaded the majority he will then (and this is about 3 and a half years into Daniel’s 70th week.) (there will be a period of about 75 days that people will be getting killed for their testimony. Jesus said unless he shorten those days then no flesh would be saved and it is at this point that a great multitude appears in heaven, an amount innumerable, and white robes were given to them. They were those who refused to deny Jesus. The saints. This is the rapture. The great catching up. Now back on earth, the antichrist will kill the 2 witnesses. They will raise up from the dead after three days rotting in the street. And it’s on like donkey Kong. We get to follow Jesus, in our new spiritual bodies, back to earth and witness him pour out the vials of Gods wrath upon the earth. The pre trib lie is one that causes Christian’s to be watered down and lax about Gods word. It’s something that should be drilled into your mingled. Once you study it for self and you take it in context you see through all the lies. You also start noticing how over and over and over again the Bible confirms itself. The entire thing is connected. It’s because of preachers who stand in pulpits spewing the traditions of what was handed down to them instead of studying to shew themselves approved. Ci Scofeild and John Darby were heretics and I will stand by that till the day I die. You can clearly see it if you are Born again and you read the Bible in context. It’s a simple book that so many have made it seem mystical or gnostic. Revelation is easy to understand if you read it in chronological order, in context, who’s writing? Who’s speaking, who are they writing to? What were the manners and customs of that time period? The devil creates confusion not God.