Certain people in the “know” of the cabal and whitehat since it’s been partial exposed, understand that when there is a dog in the pic or a dog is announced dead it is typically a hidden comm in reference to a handler changing, being turnt or some other information that those fully in the “know” would know specifically what to look for in the picture.. we know there are dog comms but the specifics of the techniques for communication are only theorized or assumed so we can discuss and try to develop a fuller picture of the comm message.
Can I ask a dumb question? What is meant by “dog comms”? What’s the significance of a dog being included in the picture?
"Symbolism Communication" https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com
start here
Thank you! I will check your link out! Appreciate your help.
that's a lot of information on that site! Hope you enjoy!
Certain people in the “know” of the cabal and whitehat since it’s been partial exposed, understand that when there is a dog in the pic or a dog is announced dead it is typically a hidden comm in reference to a handler changing, being turnt or some other information that those fully in the “know” would know specifically what to look for in the picture.. we know there are dog comms but the specifics of the techniques for communication are only theorized or assumed so we can discuss and try to develop a fuller picture of the comm message.
Thank you for taking time to explain it to me. Appreciate that so much.