Can someone please post a picture of US currency with the current Treasury signature on it???
I cannot find any bills newer than 2017, and of course has Steve Mnuchin.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
... I deal with cash all day long and cannot find one with Janet yellen, or anything printed under the Biden administration
Maybe this is the money go round with Ukraine? If they could t physically get hard US cash maybe they magicked up electronic US payments to somewhere like Ukraine who then converted to UKr currency that could be exchanged for USD? That would explain the whole push for Ukraine hysteria and sending so much “cash” to there??? Addendum- to clarify - if the black hats were unable to access physical new cash, if they magicked electronic dollars that were sent to UKr or similar then the recipient bank exchanged them for legal USD or gold/silver/diamonds etc already in circulation that sort of puts an extra step in the issuance of currency that the central banks need to keep the money spigot open - it could be a work around to circumvent if the actual issuing of cash was prohibited since 2017? It would explain why all the usual suspects are so gung Ho to send money to Ukraine under the guise of “war”. The EOs must have put a major hurt on the cabal finances so that’s been a way to replenish their cash reserves
I did a tour of the Fed in SF the summer before CV. They said on the tour that 2/3rds of the dollars in circulation are outside the US.
Interdasting- so the whole Ukraine thing could be the DS trying to use Putins move to shut down bio weapons facilities as a boomerang opportunity to have a cash grab from other countries to replenish their cash reserves… 🤔🤔 activates the almonds doesn’t it?
Perhaps the countries they are panhandling oil etc from are keeping those bills as proofs of their crimes against us and other countries.