Currently holding a box of PAXLOVID
⚠️ Pax-TYRANNY ☠️
First off, it’s under EUA.
It is not a nice medicine. I actually get bad vibes from it.
The pamphlet itself states that it’s experimental.
It’s still being studied.
It can cause kidney damage (much like Remdesivir)
It’s made by Phizer (shocker)
It also interferes with the effects of HIV medications.
I theorize that PAXLOVID is Phizer’s way of getting us pure bloods
Including the attached pamphlet
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If you are using the horse paste in a syringe that is 100% ivermectin at 1.87% strength, the dosage by weight is identical for humans. The syringe is only .21 oz but will treat a person or horse up to 1250 lbs. Thus if you weigh 200 lbs., the syringe will give you more than 6 doses. The handle of the syringe has hash marks which give measurements in 50 lb. increments (depending on what brand). Just dial the plunger to the weight you are and dispense that amount as one dose.
See Front Line Covid Critical Care website for specifics.