You don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist and you don’t have to be Zionist to be Jewish. Zionism is nationalism for some Jews and those who want to help them achieve the goal. Educate yourself on the matter. All tho Zionism is not entirely good because of the extremes they go to. There are far worst things like tikkun Olam changing the fabric of society all around the world.
If you didn’t behave at the level of intellect equal to inbreeding practitioners. You would actually learn who your real enemy is. Until hate filled people like you learn the truth. We won’t get anywhere. I’m a Jew, I didn’t chose to be born with Jewish blood. But I am a Christian, and that was my choice.
Almost. Until you find out that Zionist and Marxist Jews are actually in disagreement about how to fulfill biblical prophecy. You must learn this fact. They rather go after you and be United in that cause, before they go after each other. To them a goy is like the last drop in a bucket of water. Insignificant but it holds and occupies space. Heard this from a rabbi.
What is "the cult of moloch" Alex.
You don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist and you don’t have to be Zionist to be Jewish. Zionism is nationalism for some Jews and those who want to help them achieve the goal. Educate yourself on the matter. All tho Zionism is not entirely good because of the extremes they go to. There are far worst things like tikkun Olam changing the fabric of society all around the world.
If you didn’t behave at the level of intellect equal to inbreeding practitioners. You would actually learn who your real enemy is. Until hate filled people like you learn the truth. We won’t get anywhere. I’m a Jew, I didn’t chose to be born with Jewish blood. But I am a Christian, and that was my choice.
Potato potahto kek. It's all part of the same thing just different flavors
Almost. Until you find out that Zionist and Marxist Jews are actually in disagreement about how to fulfill biblical prophecy. You must learn this fact. They rather go after you and be United in that cause, before they go after each other. To them a goy is like the last drop in a bucket of water. Insignificant but it holds and occupies space. Heard this from a rabbi.