You absolutely can not believe anything any of these companies tell you. For years labs have been reportedly selling the DNA of pregnant women to China without your consent, so that probably means any lab work you had done or blood donation too. At the top the owners of everything are a limited number of families and under them Blackrock and Vanguard. In the end, we are all in God’s hands and he ultimately decides whether we live or die. We can’t live in fear about being targeted because that is what the Deep State wants. It is their ultimate high-to control you and make you beg.
You absolutely can not believe anything any of these companies tell you. For years labs have been reportedly selling the DNA of pregnant women to China without your consent, so that probably means any lab work you had done or blood donation too. At the top the owners of everything are a limited number of families and under them Blackrock and Vanguard. In the end, we are all in God’s hands and he ultimately decides whether we live or die. We can’t live in fear about being targeted because that is what the Deep State wants. It is their ultimate high-to control you and make you beg.