posted ago by Ithasanh ago by Ithasanh +38 / -1

These guys are based af, they moved to Texas from Kentucky because they thought the restrictions in Kentucky were too great. They know just about everything there is to know about health and they were the ones who listened to my issues, ran appropriate tests, and diagnosed me with c diff and Ebv. I’ve been seeking answers for over ten years and I got them on my second call with these guys.

Needless to say, they aren’t traditional and don’t prescribe antibiotics, give vaccines, or anything that isn’t homeopathic. They also have a detox program for vaccinations (of any kind.) They work remotely too!

Rather than dealing with the heinous medical system and being bound by what insurance allows, they work out of pocket for a pretty reasonable rate considering what you get. I’m working with them to alter my entire diet and lifestyle and it’d be soooo much harder without their help, their nutritionists help, and the literature they’ve written out themselves.

This is their website:


Let me know if this post isn’t allowed, mods. I just want to get the word out because I know most feel like they don’t know which doctors to trust and I also know these guys are definitely on board for the great awakening!

I couldn’t recommend any doctor higher than this team. I probably won’t go to any other.