I just got let go from my job due to a restructuring. I fully committed myself to God only a few months ago. I've been praying for financially freedom to free myself from this job, and it seems half of my prayer came true.
I was frustrated with work, sure. While I do have time thanks to their generous departure agreement, I've been praying to him on what to do next and the first thing I heard back was to attend church.
How do you know what's the right church to attend? Are there any red flags to look out for? Or do you have to just visit each one to find out yourself?
A faithful church 1) preaches the Bible and ONLY the Bible as the source of divine truth (Heb. 4:12, 2 Tim. 3:16-17), 2) preaches the true gospel - that is, that God, the almighty and perfect Creator of this world, sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for the sins of His people, that whoever believes in Him and repents from sin will be saved - as the only way of salvation, and 3) is made of a body of believers who, understanding the above two truths (in essence, believing in who God truly is and who we are in His sight through the pages of Sacred Scripture), live lives of genuine humility, conviction, and holiness in the faith, acknowledging their shortcomings as still-fallen people living in a fallen world, and so spur one anither to love, good works, and gathering together, whether they are the people in the pews or in the pulpit.
Fren, please understand that there is no such thing as a perfect church. Your objective should thus not be to find a perfect church, but a faithful one. The church may not always get the doctrinal side right, but so long as the leadership and the congregation serve in humility and live in light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, God will bless that church.
I'll be praying for a successful search! God wins.