"God’s people are still prone to think with carnal minds. When they read in the prophecies of the Bible about the gathering of kings unto battle, and the fighting of great wars, immediately their attention is focused on world events rather than on the things of God. This fallacy-ridden practice has given rise to what has been rightly termed “newspaper eschatology” — studying current events in the arena of “this present evil world” rather than searching the mind of the Spirit for the wisdom and understanding God gives of the true thing He is doing in the earth by His Spirit! The work of God is not currently outside of us, not out there in the world of darkness with all of its plans and efforts and shamefully fleshly activities and wicked schemes. The work of God is within His people! “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure” (Phil. 2:13). Sons of God do not derive their theology from the newspapers nor the television news casts. What you read and hear there is not what God is doing! Nor is it what God is talking about! That is not where God’s work is seen! Nor is that what God is concerned with! The Holy Spirit of God has not come within us to show us what the world system is up to — He has come to “take the things of Christ and show them unto us!”
Much more in the link:
"Now let us return to our subject of the battle at Armageddon. The book of Revelation is the fighting book of the New Testament. In its brief twenty-two chapters the words “to war” and “to make war” are used fifteen times! The words are found in all the rest of the New Testament but fourteen times. It reveals a great significance when we see that two hundred and thirty-eight New Testament chapters use the words fourteen times, while twenty-two chapters of the Revelation employ them fifteen times. This certainly indicates a purpose deeper than the mere incidents of literary expression. None of these words appear in the four Gospels or in the Epistles of John. And yet the author of the Epistles of John also wrote the book of Revelation! This certainly identifies the theme of the Revelation as one of warfare! And once we know that “though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ,” — once we understand the nature of this warfare as spiritual warfare all the carnal, traditional interpretations of the book of Revelation are turned upside-down!"
once we understand the nature of this warfare as spiritual warfare all the carnal, traditional interpretations of the book of Revelation are turned upside-down!"
You know if you travel to Sodom right now, on the southern end of the Dead Sea, you can find balls of sulfur laying everywhere, remains of the houses that used to exist there and not one soul alive in the area, just like the scriptures spoke of. Do we think God lied about this too?
I'm not thinking God lies at all, doctrine does though.
God spoke about this in His Word, it actually happened and you're calling it "doctrine?"
Revelation is not talking about the physical world. That is a doctrine. Now if your doctrine is Revelation is talking about the physical world, one of our doctrines is a lie. I'm 100% on the whole Revelation is spiritual, not any of it is physical. Literally spiritual.
Yahweh destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah after going to Sodom to warn Lot to leave mediately before he destroyed it. He used nuclear like weapon...the kavod was a war space craft..read descriptions of it..the noise it made..the fire the wheels.... yahweh destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah over a territory dispute. He nuked the tower of Babel and Sumeria for the same reason...fear of other elohim ....and losing territory given to him by Elyon.