Quantum Physics Suggests that Death Doesn’t Exist
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The observer is you. That's you as in "me." Here is an example: In your mind, make a picture of a cat. Who is looking at that cat? Experiencing who you really are is pretty routine in Scientology auditing. There are laid-out steps which everyone does to get you going upwards in terms of greater and greater beingness (who you are). In fact, after the first step, there are processes, all very simple, related to you and the physical universe. It's so f'ing simple. But there is one where it turns on your ability to see without your eyes. I cried so when it happened to me. I was watching my arms pawing the wall, couldn't believe it and then it suddenly hit me what was happening. It turns off eventually. Such a big win, I still get teary-eyed when I recall it. But be sure to keep listening to MSM narrative about it so you can be sure to never realize who you are.
I find it interesting what you describe, but could you clarify what you mean by pawing the wall, what exactly happened, and what it is that turns off?
Sorry to be so tardy. I had been touching the wall when the visio suddenly turned on (like it's supposed to). The process is done with someone else who tells you what to touch while you're blindfolded. So there was my sense of my hand on the wall when suddenly I could see my hand and the wall! My first thought, before I came to the realization, was that there must be a chink of light coming from the window (logical thinking). But no. Then I put my other hand on the wall. Didn't think to turn around and look at the other students; no, I just kept moving my hands on the wall, incredulous. I cried. It did not look as it does when you look with your eyes. It turns off by itself though a little later I did see a couple of other things that were visible but were not part of the room. Remember, this is a particular "process" among other different processes that all sum up to a specific result. It's called the Survival Rundown.