What I don’t get here, is that it reads like you and a few others were into bernie the self professed socialist. Am I reading that correctly? I also noticed that in those combined statements, no one actually called bernie out as a socialist scumbag, just that a few were concerned that he acquired(suspiciously) a couple of more homes. That’s it? No concern of him being a worthless socialist pig? About how bad and destructive socialism is to anybody? I’m curious if I’m reading this incorrectly.
I would have voted for Bernie if Trump hadn't come along. I was tempted to register Democrat to vote for Bernie. I was raised Republican, have always been anti-socialist, but since I'd given up on the "American Dream" That was destroyed and with the rampant unemployment in the Bush/Obama years, I moved to Japan 10 years ago. I was horrified of the TPP, and for a while it seemed like only Bernie was speaking out against it. I hated abortion and socialist crap, but I was prepared to vote for Bernie to hopefully block TPP and figured that America was screwed regardless. The GOP was happy about outsourcing jobs to India with the philosophy that businesses should just do whatever they want to please the shareholders, and after voting in vain for people I hated (No Name McCain, Mitt Mormomney), I figured America was doomed regardless. Then I found out Trump was in play, and PJW did a video on how Democrats made a commercial, thinking it was cute to have kids use the F word and say "Trump should shut the F up!". I then knew who they were scared of, and then I learned that Trump was also against TPP. I knew who to vote for then.
Ok, perhaps you could bring that part into the conversation as well for another point that is absolutely connected to this thread. Me being 58, and raised against communism and socialism for very clear and apparent reasons, as I lived through the Vietnam war, the South American socialist domination and the Reagan years where I thought I wasn’t going to see thirty because of nuclear war. Well, I sit and ponder as to why the younger generations have a fascination with socialism. Hell, I could have my Venezuelan wife give you guys the run down of the run down caused by this false ideology. I mean you can witness the effects of it in real time today. That being said, after reading much more of your comments, I realize that you’ve really have awakened to the truth and have realized your past as being severely misguided, which we all are to some extent or another in our youth. Thank you for your awakening brother! Stay strong and fight on for Freedom!
What I don’t get here, is that it reads like you and a few others were into bernie the self professed socialist. Am I reading that correctly? I also noticed that in those combined statements, no one actually called bernie out as a socialist scumbag, just that a few were concerned that he acquired(suspiciously) a couple of more homes. That’s it? No concern of him being a worthless socialist pig? About how bad and destructive socialism is to anybody? I’m curious if I’m reading this incorrectly.
I would have voted for Bernie if Trump hadn't come along. I was tempted to register Democrat to vote for Bernie. I was raised Republican, have always been anti-socialist, but since I'd given up on the "American Dream" That was destroyed and with the rampant unemployment in the Bush/Obama years, I moved to Japan 10 years ago. I was horrified of the TPP, and for a while it seemed like only Bernie was speaking out against it. I hated abortion and socialist crap, but I was prepared to vote for Bernie to hopefully block TPP and figured that America was screwed regardless. The GOP was happy about outsourcing jobs to India with the philosophy that businesses should just do whatever they want to please the shareholders, and after voting in vain for people I hated (No Name McCain, Mitt Mormomney), I figured America was doomed regardless. Then I found out Trump was in play, and PJW did a video on how Democrats made a commercial, thinking it was cute to have kids use the F word and say "Trump should shut the F up!". I then knew who they were scared of, and then I learned that Trump was also against TPP. I knew who to vote for then.
I was a bonafide socialist. I thought him being socialist was just peachy. Since coming over to the smarter side, now I can't go there. I just can't.
Ok, perhaps you could bring that part into the conversation as well for another point that is absolutely connected to this thread. Me being 58, and raised against communism and socialism for very clear and apparent reasons, as I lived through the Vietnam war, the South American socialist domination and the Reagan years where I thought I wasn’t going to see thirty because of nuclear war. Well, I sit and ponder as to why the younger generations have a fascination with socialism. Hell, I could have my Venezuelan wife give you guys the run down of the run down caused by this false ideology. I mean you can witness the effects of it in real time today. That being said, after reading much more of your comments, I realize that you’ve really have awakened to the truth and have realized your past as being severely misguided, which we all are to some extent or another in our youth. Thank you for your awakening brother! Stay strong and fight on for Freedom!