Pray and ask God if he wants you to get out of the city. He doesn’t just speak to big name prophetic people. I believe he wants to speak to all of us personally. I have a friend and the Lord spoke to his heart and told him not to go on a certain job assignment. He listened and didn’t go. The other members of his team were killed but he was spared. There are a lot of stories like that from 9/11 too.
I’m glad you talk to him. Sometimes I say ok, Lord I’m listening so if you have something for me help me to tune in. Sometimes he answers weeks later. It seems like it’s usually not instantaneous. I’ve heard him in the still small voice, through other people or reading my Bible and a few rare times in a dream. Just my experience as just a normal person.
Pray and ask God if he wants you to get out of the city. He doesn’t just speak to big name prophetic people. I believe he wants to speak to all of us personally. I have a friend and the Lord spoke to his heart and told him not to go on a certain job assignment. He listened and didn’t go. The other members of his team were killed but he was spared. There are a lot of stories like that from 9/11 too.
Yep, I’ve never been one to believe that God only speaks to important or select people.
I speak to Him often - in fact, I’m pretty sure He’d love a break from hearing me constantly talk His ear off 😉
I’m glad you talk to him. Sometimes I say ok, Lord I’m listening so if you have something for me help me to tune in. Sometimes he answers weeks later. It seems like it’s usually not instantaneous. I’ve heard him in the still small voice, through other people or reading my Bible and a few rare times in a dream. Just my experience as just a normal person.