Comedy is not dead. It is alive and well here on Great Awakening.
Silly = Mental Health!
I miss the crazy comedy of the past, Blazing Saddles, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and the like. But then I started thinking about how funny this site is. Just today I remember seeing a screenshot in which the screen name was "Hunter Biden's Coke Dealer." I thought that definitely KEK worthy. And the memes are often priceless.
Do the serious stuff. But never forget the funny stuff.
Love that
Another perfect illustration of how stats can be misleading, which is also where the original joke came from: comedian on AGT who's an engineer. Did a hilarious Venn diagram about geeks, nerds, and dorks too.
Worth a 5-min. chuckle:
(Don't know why they tacked on a minute + of a card magician rapper at the end LOL)
I saw that comedian Don McMillan on Dry Bar Comedy.
Here's his entire bit-