LOL, some Reddit fuckwit writes to taunt me every month re: Ukraine, and how "teh QAnon plan" is going nowhere... And, holy mother of shit timing, Batman—he messages me (see bottom of pic) on the day Sens. Graham/Blumenthal pass a STRONGLY WORDED RESOLUTION on Russia! MY SIDES, I JUST CAN'T 😭
🧠 These pRedditors are stupid!
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To be honest, I don't even want to do that. I have no motivation to go back there for even hobby related stuff. Those people are lost.
It's the hobbies that always keep me going back there. I don't know any other forum with such good hobby discussions and knowledge.
Also, for my diet - the carnivore/zerocarb and fasting subs are super helpful and encouraging.
And of course coronaviruscirclejerk is amazing.
Every time I try to delete my account I hesitate just because of about 4-6 subs that really help me. I guess the key is to go to those subs and no other ones. But I hate supporting the website in general. Aargh.
That's fair. Reddit is a waste of time in every sense.