Hello frogys. I’d like to know everyone’s opinions here about the Alex Jones trial. So far I have seen some stuff that might actually awaken some curiosity in some people if they are watching the trial. Most people only watch TikTok and trash to keep busy while taking a dump in the toilet. Regardless I would like to know your opinion on Jones. Is he really mossad Jones ? Was He ever legit at some point? Was he compromised. What did Bill Cooper say about Jones and infowars. I part of me thinks Jones might have been legit at some point, and either milked viewers for money, or became compromised by a foreign agency. What’s your theory ?
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Most of the .win has nothing the Cabal need to fear about. PW is their wet dream - getting everyone to doom. I believe the Cabal puppets secretly visit PW when they need hopium of their own.
Honestly, of there is a threat of exposing the truth, its GAW. And perhaps conspiracies.win, and nonewnormal.win, and both of them are ghost towns.
The size of GAW is so small compared to Infowas, they are not even on the same planet as far as threat is concerned. Believe me, if ever GAW went viral and millions came pouring in, we would be attacked in a heartbeat.
People's personalities really should not matter. Its good that normies might like his personality and listen to him, but for us it makes no difference. In the end, the proof is in the pudding. No matter how likable or funny, we have to be vigilant as we approach the precipice to make sure he does not shepherd the flock off the other side of the cliff.