Many supplements, including almost every fruit and vegetable extract, fight cancer.
Curcumin, quercetin, resveratrol (which works well topically for melanoma; don't know how it would do for what your mom has), etc etc. A Supplement may be known for only ONE thing (e.g., cranberry fights urinary infections) but in almost all cases the supplement will have ADDITIONAL benefits including, typically, fighting cancer at one or more stages -- cranberry in fact has been shown in studies to fight cancer, for example. Poke around, you'll see what I mean. It's APPALLING how this has all been swept under the rug in favor of toxic chemical "therapies" and other harmful-if-sometimes-helpful approaches.
Don't forget immune-system boosters, especially if your mom has had (or will have) chemo, which greatly weakens the immune system, or has been jabbed, which is even worse. You NEED your immune system working well if you have cancer.
Were it me, I'd be taking a LOT of those things, starting with curcumin, which appears to be the apex predator when it comes to cancer. Hundreds, more likely THOUSANDS of studies supporting it. Be smart, do some research, watch the dosing, and so on, but there is good evidence that an intense regimen of carefully chosen supplements (plus good diet, some exercise, etc) will improve the odds against cancer and probably improve the quality of life as well.
I don't have time to dig out links right now but here's a good place to start: Life Extension's Protocol page. It's not the final word on things but a solid, curated place to start.
Best wishes to your mom for a swift and complete recovery. She's fortunate to have you looking out for her.
Many supplements, including almost every fruit and vegetable extract, fight cancer.
Curcumin, quercetin, resveratrol (which works well topically for melanoma; don't know how it would do for what your mom has), etc etc. A Supplement may be known for only ONE thing (e.g., cranberry fights urinary infections) but in almost all cases the supplement will have ADDITIONAL benefits including, typically, fighting cancer at one or more stages -- cranberry in fact has been shown in studies to fight cancer, for example. Poke around, you'll see what I mean. It's APPALLING how this has all been swept under the rug in favor of toxic chemical "therapies" and other harmful-if-sometimes-helpful approaches.
Don't forget immune-system boosters, especially if your mom has had (or will have) chemo, which greatly weakens the immune system, or has been jabbed, which is even worse. You NEED your immune system working well if you have cancer.
Were it me, I'd be taking a LOT of those things, starting with curcumin, which appears to be the apex predator when it comes to cancer. Hundreds, more likely THOUSANDS of studies supporting it. Be smart, do some research, watch the dosing, and so on, but there is good evidence that an intense regimen of carefully chosen supplements (plus good diet, some exercise, etc) will improve the odds against cancer and probably improve the quality of life as well.
I don't have time to dig out links right now but here's a good place to start: Life Extension's Protocol page. It's not the final word on things but a solid, curated place to start.
Best wishes to your mom for a swift and complete recovery. She's fortunate to have you looking out for her.