Chemotherapy adds only 2% to the 5-year survival rate of cancer patients.
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Conclusion: “The cost effectiveness is urgently required”. Another words, it is not cost effective to try and keep you alive for a pittance of 5 years. You are to costly with no contribution to society! Forget the fact that you were poisoned by contaminated water at a Camp LeJeune, or by asbestos in your job, or by agent orange while serving in the military , or by cancer from our government insisting on the a Covid shot being forced on medical personnel, military and big business. You have become a bottom feeder, so die already. Never mind that to you 5 years might make the difference in seeing your children graduate from high school or college, or walking your daughter down the aisle in marriage, or seeing your first grand child. This tells you what your government and the NIH in particular thinks of you. Ask the government and Big Pharma why they are hiding cures and killing scientists who discover them. Actually foregoing chemo and trying alternatives might be the better option, because chemo kills your healthy cells.