Well, as a Former Student of Texas A&M (there are no ex-Aggies), I still give annually and have done for over four decades. The University is now three times the size of when I graduated. Of course, a certain element of "Wokeness" has infiltrated, although it is still very much of a conservative and practical mentality. I can't speak for the really big buck donors, but I am rethinking the size of the legacy I am going to leave for a President's Endowed Scholarship. I'm concerned about the direction.
Well, as a Former Student of Texas A&M (there are no ex-Aggies), I still give annually and have done for over four decades. The University is now three times the size of when I graduated. Of course, a certain element of "Wokeness" has infiltrated, although it is still very much of a conservative and practical mentality. I can't speak for the really big buck donors, but I am rethinking the size of the legacy I am going to leave for a President's Endowed Scholarship. I'm concerned about the direction.