Someone has to say it. Being a cop doesn't automatically make you a benefit to society. Sure, stable systems of law enforcement are good for society as a whole, here's why you'll never catch me waving a thin blue line flag.
Remember, these are the same cops who will:
Lock you in jail for a dimebag of weed while everyone ignores Hunter Biden's crack habit and illegal guns.
Will sit around while children get shot like fish in a barrel and fail to save many lives because when it comes down to brass tacks they're too chickenshit to do the hard parts of their job.
- Shut down your business over covid ordinances and arrest you if you do not comply.
- Taze and arrest you on BS trespassing charges for refusing to wear a mask.
- Show up to your house completely unannounced and demand to violate your right against unreasonable search and seizure without a warrant.
Enforce red flag laws and seize your guns with no due process.
Confiscate your firearms once the bans lefties all want go through.
Herd you into the box cars and take you off to the camps when it gets to that point.
So no. I will not fly a blue line flag. Nobody gets credit just for being a cop with me.
Every single cop needs to put their foot down, stand up for people's rights, and WALK THE FUCKING WALK.
Otherwise they're just as bad as the Stasi.
Fight me about it. Prove me wrong.
Their job is practically impossible as it is. They catch them red-handed and the DA lets them walk. They have to face the victims and explain that they did the best they could. They see horrors that you can't imagine and manage not to murder child molesters and rapists. The system failed the cops, not the other way around.
Oh get over yourself. You're like people who want abortions, so their mind immediately takes them to the very worst places like the rape of children, that only account for a tiny fraction of reality, in order to justify their obvious crimes.
Lifetime criminals locked in jail to more good for society in dispatching pedophiles than cops do.
You guys let this shit happen, and collect your overinflated paychecks, walk all over the citizens while doing it, violating constitutional amendments on a daily bases.
And then you act like superheros!
2nd responder! Know your place!
Do your job or we will!