Maybe homophobic isn't the right word. I'm not scared of them.
But man, I've noticed that I am simply REPULSED by them now. Drag queens, gay parades, monkey pox vax lines, and the indoctrination of children.
It is so obviously a sin and degenerate behavior. Have the same rights as us, fine. Whatever the Constitution states, I agree with. But they've created a storm of hatred towards them that will not end well for them. This is NOT what you want to do if you want to be accepted.
Maybe this is the intention of the deep state. To divide us. I don't care. I am disgusted.
Seeing kids get influenced by these demonic degenerates makes me furious. As much I know I shouldn't hate others, I can't help but be repulsed and have strong feelings against them.
Am I wrong for feeling this way?
It's alright to be repulsed by the acts themselves, and be aware of the proclivity of those who do them to protect ourselves and those we love. But we shouldn't hate the people who do them. We should pity them, because they are buried in darkness, lies, addiction, and pain. They choose this hell for themselves, but the truth and love can bring them out. They just have to want out...
You're right. I know this disgust and hatred is not of God.
But to see them celebrating this depravity is exceedingly hard to be patient with.
It's like a drug addict, going around to kids and saying addiction is great, you should be an addict, and everyone accept it. It's a sin. I know they might not think so, but I suspect a number of them KNOW it is wrong, but they keep going with it because this progressive brainwashing has told them it is right.
It is celebrating sin and getting into the minds of young people. We need a revival in this country for foundational morals based on God and Christ. It is needed so much right now.