...Steve Edwards from FOX LA who left under cover of scandal 12-2017 (in theory to prep for "Biden role"). Note he is identical age as the real Biden. I suspect he has been Biden since 2018. https://assets3.thrillist.com/v1/image/1488020/1200x600/scale;
I agree. That one could be CGI. I have a hard time figuring out who is who in these photos, but top right and bottom left are likely Steve Edwards and Jim Carey with a better mask than SNL (https://res.cloudinary.com/jerrick/image/upload/fl_progressive,q_auto,w_1024/5fa96d810c0a600020cc344b.png); He possibly played Biden 2014-2018.
...Steve Edwards from FOX LA who left under cover of scandal 12-2017 (in theory to prep for "Biden role"). Note he is identical age as the real Biden. I suspect he has been Biden since 2018. https://assets3.thrillist.com/v1/image/1488020/1200x600/scale;