The ONA just came out with a statement lambasting the SCOTUS decision re. Roe vs Wade. However they did not acknowledge the decision on abortion returns to the state. The statement said nurses must support their patients choice. To bad they did not support the nurses’ choice re. the Covid shot or free speech when we tried to warn our patients. They did support us being fired for not taking the shot and threatened our licenses if we did not spout the accepted Covid shot support. Hypocrisy.
The ONA just came out with a statement lambasting the SCOTUS decision re. Roe vs Wade. However they did not acknowledge the decision on abortion returns to the state. The statement said nurses must support their patients choice. To bad they did not support the nurses’ choice re. the Covid shot or free speech when we tried to warn our patients. They did support us being fired for not taking the shot and threatened our licenses if we did not spout the accepted Covid shot support. Hypocrisy.