Kirsty Entwistle, was branded “transphobic questioning the fact that an autistic girl enjoying Thomas the Tank Engine was used as evidence that she was trans.
It doesn't make Kirsty transphobic it makes the other people sexist.
I know a few women who can fix cars, I've done minor repairs on mine, and I do maintenance on my house. I prefer old school sci fi to chick flicks you'd find me buried in Edgar Rice Burroughs books vs romance novels. Does not in any way make me man I'm very much a woman.
If crap like this trans clinic had been around in the 70s they'd probably tried making me into a man.
It doesn't make Kirsty transphobic it makes the other people sexist.
I know a few women who can fix cars, I've done minor repairs on mine, and I do maintenance on my house. I prefer old school sci fi to chick flicks you'd find me buried in Edgar Rice Burroughs books vs romance novels. Does not in any way make me man I'm very much a woman.
If crap like this trans clinic had been around in the 70s they'd probably tried making me into a man.