Yes people can have a chemical imbalance in their brains. MSM comes out with a news story last week saying… oh by the way… There’s no such thing as a chemical imbalance in a human brain. That is just another lie from the media. Consider the source!
Can we agree that when somebody drinks alcohol, smokes weed, or does any type of drug, that there is a chemical imbalance in their brain? Yes, the brain is flooded with endorphins, serotonin, dopamine! The effect of whatever you have consumed, affects your brain.
To suggest that humans do not have a chemical imbalance, is preposterous. You can find chemicals in the food we eat, the products that we use on our skin, the water that we drink and shower in, and in many other ways. Global corporations put specific chemicals in their products, so that you will crave them and become addicted to them.
This is how they have been controlling us, poisoning us, and how they have been slowly dumbing us down. They have been fine-tuning the chemical and social engineering for years. They use drugs and chemicals to confuse us, to make us docile, and now - to even change our gender.
I 100% believe that we have a chemical imbalance in our brains, and some more than others. With some, that chemical imbalance DOES cause depression. Severe depression. It’s all part of the design. They created the SSRIs, to further control us.
I DO believe many people have a chemical imbalance in their brains, that causes depression. But I DO NOT believe that SSRIs are the answer. To suggest that somebody with depression, it’s not chemically imbalanced, is the final blow to someone’s sanity who has been trying to make it through life without killing themselves every day.
Living with depression is one of the most horrific lifestyles that people have to endure, and if someone has not personally experienced it, they have no idea what that person is going through. After many years of suffering through depression, I finally found a treatment that works.
Ketamine Infusions!
Ketamine infusions work by flooding the brain with glutomate, which helps neurons to grow new connections. This treatment actually helps to rebuild your brain. Here’s a brief video of how it works.
Of course this treatment is not covered by insurance, because they don’t want people to be well. They want you to take pills. For anybody out there who suffering from depression, and has been sold out to the pharmaceutical companies, please look into ketamine infusions.
This treatment has changed my life completely. The only reason I’m posting this, is because I was replying to another post, and it made sense for me to make my own post. When I saw the news about the this last week, I just shook my head, and my mother laughed out loud.
More importantly… Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, and I had to get right with Him before I started my ketamine infusions. He is first and foremost in my life, and has allowed me to experience relief from my depression through this treatment. I give God all the glory for helping me to have a new life.
The treatment works, but I also have to work at my relationship with God. I go to a Bible believing church, read my Bible daily, and attend a weekly Bible study. Being around other believers helps lift you up and through the dark times. Yes the treatment is not perfect, and we need to be able to have an infrastructure in place to help us when things go wrong. But that’s with anything in life.
OK so bring on your comments, your questions, your distain, or your hopefulness! Which will it be?
You are correct! Along with my renewal in my faith in Christ, I’ve been seeing a natural path chiropractor. His focus is on. B.E.S.T. Practice! It’s the idea that your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, affect everything in your body. The reason for illness, etc…
When have we going to his office, he would do his thing, and he would describe to me what was bothering me, Just by figuring out how and why the energy was flowing through my body and where it was stopping. I don’t know how to describe it the way he does it, but I called hocus-pocus. I know it’s not, because he was right every time. Without me saying a word. he would give me a paper with a word on it that I needed to focus on, and something that I needed to not focus on.
Overall it was just about dealing with all those emotions, and letting them go, and trusting the Lord. I spent several years going there at least once or twice a week. This was a precursor to the ketamine.
I really believe that God has been trying to heal my depression and trauma through many ways. I can’t say that you’ll do a ketamine treatment, and wave a magic wand and everything will go away. It doesn’t work that way.
The key to true freedom was the forgiveness! I for gave several people in my life that I had unforgiveness in my heart towards! Wrote them letters. I’ve never felt more free. Yes the word is sublime!
Wonderful! This is the way!
It sounds like your chiro may indeed know a thing or two. There is a very specific psychological conflict associated with every dis-ease, every organ, every bone/muscle group, etc. This wisdom is being heavily surpressed by the lamestream medical establishment. Suffice it to say, there are no mysteries about how someone gets any of their diseases. They are all psychosomatic in origin resulting from a life situation that catches us off guard and we are unable to quickly resolve it.
Forgiveness of ourselves is the final frontier. Once you've worked through everybody else in your life you feel need to be forgiven, you need to turn that power on yourself and come to understand that you're already forgiven by God and you have made no mistakes that you need to incessantly judge and criticize yourself over. Leave them all behind as best you can and you will find your "load has been lightened", both literally and figuratively. Just hand it all over to God and move about your life in playfulness and joy as often as you can.
BTW, depression results from a lowering of estrogen and a rise in testosterone in women. The same can be true for men but it's not as common. This lowering of estrogen happens when a person has two or more unresolved conflicts. In my modality we call this a "constellation". Oftentimes, people can and do shift out of their most recent conflict, either shifting back to "normalcy" or in more extreme cases, from depression to mania -> aka "Manic-Depressive" behavior. They are falling in and out of their constellation over and over again.
And also, you should not ever do any hormone replacement therapy. If you are, work with your doctor to safely cycle down over time as you begin to feel more and more normal. You shouldn't ever try this cold turkey. That can be extremely damaging. A gradual easing off is the only way, and you should trust your own intuitive senses as you do this, moreso than some rigid "by the book" doctor guidelines that he/she says you MUST follow.
Depression is a very disheartening thing to suffer with as it sounds like you well know. Your forgiveness of the people and life situations will ultimately return you to your natural state of happiness!
Keep up the great work!
I really enjoy all your uplifting comments, and the truth about forgiveness. Yes it is awesome. I love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He’s so awesome.
I’m 58 now, postmenopausal. But I will never, and have never taken any hormone replacements. I refuse to. The fact that I have struggled with depression and brain chemical in balance most of my life, I was not willing to interject any other chemicals into my body. For the most part I’m pretty healthy. I had a couple hiccups this year, but overall for 58 I’m kicking ass.
I have no heart problems, no high blood pressure, no diabetes, no thyroid issues, no lung problems, I have no issues with all the regular ailments that people have around my age.
Yes I’ve been working very hard at balancing out my heart mind body soul and spirit. I am finally reaping those benefits. All that was done in the past, was not done overnight. Took a long time to get through everything, and the Lord is still working on me. I am grateful.
God bless you and have a great night.
Wonderful to hear. You're on the perfect path to bliss. Keep up the great work and may God continue to bless you!