Zimbabwe to use gold coins as tender to reduce use of US dollars
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Historically, several of the most innovative and brilliant minds have failed miserably in IQ tests. Einstein was considered barely functional and could not carry out some fairly simple functions that most "normal" people could easily perform. Nikola Tesla had abnormal sensory issues and anti-social behaviors. Eccentric thought processes do not conform to conventional patterns that are standardized to evaluate intellect. I'm afraid that many of the societal norms that have been established are constructed around a fairly narrow perspective. Problem solving and environmental awareness is more highly developed in primitive cultures, as noted in studies perform in polynesian island natives. Body language is highly developed in many primitive societies that are uncommon in our advanced society. We don't value these aspects of intellect and do not quantify them. There are many factors to intelligence. My point is that we use an IQ test to put people into a category. The people that created this test had a specific point of view and a particular bias toward specific attributes. There are people that cannot read, but are successful in many areas, do you consider that they are morons because they cannot perform an IQ test? I'm not saying that the IQ test has no value, I am merely pointing out that it is not all inclusive of all forms of intelligence.
Yes, you are right. The continent is packed with a billion Einsteins and Teslas.
I'm sure you understand what I am saying. The average human being is pretty ignorant and pretty stupid, but there are brilliant minds in every country. Whether they have a chance to develop or not is not the question. The fact that they would perform terribly at an IQ test is limited by their education and exposure to advanced concepts. The majority of the human population is of average intelligence, hence the "average". IQ tests are designed for specific areas of knowledge and thinking processes.
I never said IQ.