the sheep are going to need comforting by the shepherds, they're getting shorn. hell so am I.
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But they are saving Ukrainians from big bad Putin almost single handedly!
i can't imagine being a normie with their first redpill right now. "wait, which ones are nazis? and commies?"
I was hanging with my parents last week. Unfortunately they are all still buying the MSM shit. My old man cannot go to bed without watching the Colbert report opening monolog and he is tied to NPR during the daytime. So until their programming turns on them they will remain 100 percent brainwashed.
Your dealing with a deep psychosis. Anyone still watching Colbair or listening to NPR is unreachable until the Event Horizon occurs. And even then they may not mentally survive the revelation.
...exactly, until national propaganda radio is defunded, shut down, and eliminated, the normies will never see or hear the truth
My husband listened to NPR for years, now he watches Tucker Carlson. Sometimes they wake up.